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workspace for experimental music and sound art
Oscillation ::: The Weather – Festival 2025
The 2025 festival Oscillation ::: The Weather departs from practices around field recording – listening to one’s environment through microphones, memory, or language. The festival will link field recording to the weather as phenomenon, as metaphor, and as concept, able to cause poetic and beautiful effects but also to manifest radically destructive events. 4 days […]
Oscillation ::: Materia Forma releases
Q-O2 / umland editions is pleased to present 4 split releases of live recordings from our festival Oscillation ::: Materia Forma that took place in April and May this year. Relive the moment or hear what you missed – warm and profound memories, they are: Issue 1: Lee Patterson & Pak Yan Lau / Evicshen Issue 2: Nika Son / Ailbhe Nic […]
2 new soundwalks by Francesca Hawker and Margherita Brillada
Francesca Hawker and Margherita Brillada have each created a new soundwalk for the area surrounding our HQ. Their walks can be experienced through the new soundwalking app Tracks. Duck Duck Eel by Francesca Hawker is an audio jaunt along the Brussels Canal, blending eel-related biographies, eel conservation efforts, and underwater canal recordings, in a mix of […]
Open Call Showcase Emerging Sound 2025
The call is open for the annual Showcase Emerging Sound for young artists with a link to Belgium, which we organise in collaboration with STUK and Musica. All info for this call HERE
Open Call for Residencies at Q-O2 workspace in Brussels in 2025 + Open Call Showcase Emerging Sound 2025
In 2025 Q-O2 offers two types of residencies for artists working in and with sound: => 7 thematic residencies of 6 weeks in the framework of the European collaboration tekhnē => 10 open research residencies of 4 weeks for artists working with sound in any field. All info HERE ==> Additionally, the call is open […]
Oscillation Festival Special Radio Podcast on Radio Lyl
Emilia Elouardi & Maria Margolina, interns during the festival, prepared a special Radio Show for Radio Lyl, to look back at Oscillation Festival ::: Materia Forma, Q-O2’s annual festival, that took place from the 30th of April until the 5th of May in various spaces in Brussels. The festival aimed to reflect on form, format […]
Why DIY? tekhnē journal #1 online now
With much enthusiasm we would like to share the  first issue of the tekhnē online journal, which outlines the field of DIY with its practices, cultures and politics, and is compiled by Q-O2. One of the main observations of the tekhnē project is that technological change often goes hand in hand with social change. For […]
Oscillation ::: Materia Forma – festival 2024
The 2024 festival Oscillation ::: Materia Forma is a reflection on form, format and performance. Six days of sound celebrations, featuring concerts, (in-situ) performances, a conference, round table conversations, a walk, and a series of workshops, hosted by VK Vaartkapoen in Molenbeek, and complemented with outings to B.A. in Anderlecht and the Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Molenbeek […]
Het BlokfluitAsiel
Here is another audio release from Q-O2 / umland editions in collaboration with Meakusma, Jetse Academie Muziek-Woord-Dans and Musikakademie der DG in Eupen, that came out at the end of last year, in form of a CD and online album. Listen here Instrument builder Lukas De Clerck, composer Angélica Castelló and music teachers Katelijne Lanneau […]
Oscillation ::: o tempo Bandcamp Releases
Q-O2 / umland editions is pleased to present 4 split releases of live recordings from our festival Oscillation ::: o tempo that took place in April this year. Relive the moment or hear what you missed – beautiful and profound memories, they are: Ameel Brecht / Olga Kokcharova: listen here Maria Komarova / Limpe Fuchs & Valérie Vivancos: […]
tekhnē is officially launched! tekhnē is a collaborative project in which six European organisations aim to explore the emancipatory potential of technology in music and sound art. By engaging critically and creatively with technology, and by putting the focus on the user rather than the developer, technologies and methodologies can be demystified and lead to […]
Calls, calls, calls
We are pleased to launch the new European collaborative project tekhnē. The first calls for this new project concern six research residencies of six weeks at Q-O2, as well as between two and three weeks by some of our partners GMEA and TRAFO, Deadline for application is September 30th. More information on the research residencies […]
Open Call for residencies: Q-O2 en tekhnē
In 2024, we will host two different types of residencies: 14 residencies of four weeks are reserved for residencies with a free research topic, of which seven for international and seven for local artists (living in Belgium). We are open for artists, art workers and theorists who wish to work on a research-oriented project (please […]
Oscillation ::: o tempo — after the festival 2023
This fifth edi­tion of our festival will undoubtedly stand the test of time: count­less grip­ping per­form­ances, work­shops, talks, hangouts, unsus­pec­ted gath­er­ings, … a dream edi­tion it has been. But what might linger on longest in our ever time-sens­it­ive thoughts might be the micro-com­munity we’ve been part of last week­end. A micro­cos­mos of artists, part­ners (spe­cial […]
Oscillation ::: o tempo — festival 2023
It’s that time of the year again ::: our annual festival is taking place end of April. After online and nomadic editions, the festival takes on a mainly sedentary form: this year’s edition is hosted by Needcompany and HISK in Molenbeek. The line-up breakdown and ticket sale are online via the festival website. This year, […]
BOOK LAUNCH : Going Out – Walking, Listening, Soundmaking by Elena Biserna
Going Out explores the relationship between walking, listening, and soundmaking in the arts – from the first soundwalks and itinerant performances in the 1960s to today’s manifold ambulatory projects. The book consists of an extensive essay by Elena Biserna followed by an anthology of 51 historical and contemporary contributions in the form of documentation, essays, […]
Public Address – Release
Q-O2 / umland editions is pleased to present 3 split releases of live recordings from our festival Oscillation ::: Public Address that took place in April and May this year. The recordings captured six of the many beautiful performances that made up our first return to a live public festival after two years of radio […]
OPEN CALL Showcase Emerging Sound 2023
STUK, Q-O2, Musica & C-TAKT present an annual showcase of emerging sound artists in Belgium. The showcase shines a light on the diversity of the Belgian sound art landscape, and gives a boost to an upcoming generation of makers. We are looking for recent, existing work in which sound plays a central role. This can […]
Call for residencies 2023
Q-O2 will host 20 residencies in 2023 of which 10 for international and 10 for local artists working with, on or around sound. We are open for artists, art workers and theorists who wish to work on a research-oriented project (please mind that we do not organise residencies directed at production). We offer a work […]
21 Tracks for the 21st Century
HART magazine and Q-O2 join forces with 21 Tracks for the 21st Century, a series of playlists to gear ourselves for our present century. We ask our guests: what music does this century need? As tonic, as engine-fuel, as rhythm, as common ground, as ballast? Each time, we invite one artist, thinker or musician to […]
Alisa Oleva: Listening Diary
Wherever you are in the world, this collective Listening Diary is an invitation to pause, listen and note down what you hear in this precise moment of time. You can take just a moment to listen or you can choose to do it for 10 minutes, half an hour or more. You can come back […]
Oscillation ::: Public Address – festival
>>>>>> go to Festival Website The fourth edition of Oscillation festival will take place from April 28th to May 1st 2022, and is dedicated to the question what it means to address a public, and how, by changing the site of a performance, the relationship between audience and performer shifts. Inspired by the transitory nature […]
Support Ukraine
ШЩЦ ( is a label of friends who made a compilation a couple years ago with 20 Ukrainian electronic musicians and all of them now fight against Russia. LISTEN TO THE MIX Please donate via this mix to help people who are in a bomb shelter now, for our friends who are in civil defense, […]
save the date…………………………… Oscillation ::: Public Address
The fourth edition of Oscillation festival will take place from April 28th to May 1st 2022, and is dedicated to the question what it means to address a public, and how, by changing the site of a performance, the relationship between audience and performer shifts. Inspired by the transitory nature of public space, many artists […]
Live performance and radio transmission
by Paula Montecinos Oliva and Zemlya (aka Geraldine Vanspauwen & Maan Methven) Live event at 18h sharp (doors 17h30), radio broadcast via ∏-node.  18h : Paula Montecinos Oliva 18h45 : Zemlya (Geraldine Vanspauwen & Maan Methven) More info
EVENT ONLY ONLINE: Peggy Pierrot – Songing With Our Ancestors: Lecture Performance live radio broadcast
Live Event at Q-O2: CANCELLED, but you can listen to the RADIO BROADCAST of the Lecture Performance tonight: 20:00-21:00, via: >>> radio p-node Live radio session with writer, radio dj and educator Peggy Pierrot. From Drexciya and other Detroit techno bands, to historians and science fiction writers, to Solomon Rivers, author of speculative and literary […]
Listen to a new episode of our Podcast Series on Soundcloud this month with: Sébastien Roux & Ensemble Thymes   Listen back to past shows: Amber Meulenijzer Seijiro Murayama & Daniel Dariel Myriam Van Imschoot Pak Yan Lau Lukas De Clerck Limpe Fuchs Marthe Van Dessel Laurent Guedel
OPEN CALL: Showcase Emerging Sound 2022
STUK, Q-O2, Musica & C-TAKT launch an open call for their annual showcase of new sound art in Belgium. The call is directed at young and emerging artists and is looking for existing work in which sound plays a central role. This can be a performance, an installation, soundwalk, radio piece, online project, workshop, intervention […]
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits – releases
In case you have missed parts of the festival Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits last April/May, here is your second chance: 4 split-albums, with a selection of pieces recorded at the festival, are now available as digital releases on Bandcamp: 1 > Jonáš Gruska / Farida Amadou 2 > Billy Roisz / Jeroen Uyttendaele 3 > […]
Radio Transmission Series : podcast channel
Listen to the the past shows of Myriam Van Imschoot, The Oceanographies Institute, Pak Yan Lau, Lukas De Clerck on our podcast channel With the support of the Flemish Community (Culturele Activiteiten Premie)
upcoming: Oscillation 2021 ::: Tuned Circuits
===> More info and line up here Tuned Circuits, the 2021 edition of Oscillation Festival, borrows its title from Daphne Oram, the early electronic composer and instrument inventor. In Oram’s work and writing we glimpse an avenue to escape the borders of material, in order to be able to “perceive phenomena simultaneously from various sides”, and […]
We had no idea the microphone was on – students of La Cambre
 We are cyborgs.  We want to connect despite a global virus and despite everything.   Come into our cyborgian tale.  With sound let’s invent a new hybrid language. ===> Live stream here starting on 25/2 at 18h30 until 26/2 midnight. With works by Terje Abusdal, Léna Babinet, Chloé Delchini, Emma Delforge, Sophia Dieckschaefer, Xavier Duffaut, Perrine […]
Upcoming: Radio Transmissions
With the support of the Flemish Community Cultural Activation Fund we have commissioned three radio works by Lukas de Clerck, Pak Yan Lau and Myriam Van Imschoot. They are live broadcast from Q-O2 and accessible online here via our website. The radio creation by Pak Yan Lau [more info] broadcast live from Q-O2 on 19/2/21 […]
Mayday Radio Marathon ::: tape release
Oscillation Mayday Radio Marathon took place over 39 hours in May 2020, incidentally during the Covid-19 lockdown. It was broadcast online and on FM radio, in collaboration with several community radio partners. Ten new pieces of the forty-six contributions are brought together for this series of five cassettes. 1 – Lázara Rosell Albear / Giovanni […]
Oscillation ::: Mayday Radio Marathon 30/4 -2/5/2020
Mayday Radio Marathon webpage Listen to the full program on soundcloud The second edition of Oscillation festival will take place as a 3-day radio marathon over the first weekend in May, in resonance with the International Day of Workers. In the absence of project funding, the format of radio offered us a possibility to nonetheless […]
New publication: Éliane Radigue – Intermediary Spaces / Espaces intermédiaires
Éliane Radigue is considered one of the most innovative and influential contemporary composers, from her early electronic music through to her acoustic work of the last fifteen years. Influenced by musique concrète and shaped by regular sojourns in the United States, where she discovered analogue synthesisers, her work unfolds an intensity which is at once […]
Oscillation & The Middle Matter
Revisit Oscillation festival excerpts from performances and interviews with the artists on the videostream on the foto-stream of FabFive. The Middle Matter: sound as interstice Oscillation was accompanied by a reader with a collection of thoughts on the nature of sound; its substance, specific qualities, and potential – with a specific curiosity to its propensity […]
Oscillation – on sound’s nature
Save the date! –  25 April to 5 May 2019. >> Oscillation festival website Line up: Adam Asnan, Aki Onda, Akio Suzuki, Alice Pamuk, Andrea Neumann, Anna Raimondo, Anne-Laure Pigache, Annette Vande Gorne, Beatriz Ferreyra, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, Bill Dietz, David Toop, Doron Sadja, Eliane Radigue, Els Viaene, Emmanuel Holterbach, Enrico Malatesta, Franziska Windisch, Guillaume […]
Dirty Ear Forum #8
Daily radio tea time from Wednesday-Friday 13-15/2 15:00-16:00. STREAM: Public presentation on Friday 15/2 18:00 at Q-O2. Dirty Ear Forum is an ongoing artistic platform initiated in 2013 by Brandon LaBelle. This edition is organized by Brandon LaBelle and Anna Raimondo in collaboration with Q-O2, including the partnership of Gsara Asbl, FMDO and Saout […]
From Split Sheets to the Streets – video documentation
The video’s of the lectures from The one-day symposium and reflection day From Split Sheets to the Streets which took place in last November can be watched online now on YouTube or Vimeo. Participating guests were Christian von Borries (conductor, composer, filmmaker and producer), Dr. Prodromos Tsiavos (Head of Digital Policy and Development, Onassis Group), […]
A new book by Caroline Claus & Q-O2, with a graphic design by Bureau Adriaan Tas. Though sound is a central feature within urban life, it still receives little to no attention within processes of urban planning. The main difficulty in integrating sound is that it remains largely immeasurable — decibel levels say little about […]
Interfaces residencies
Q-O2 hosts 11 residencies in the framework of the project INTERFACES. This international, interdisciplinary project is focusing on bringing new music to an extensive range of new audiences. The selected residents are Alice Pamuk, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, BolwerK, Isabelle Stragliati, Jonathan Frigeri, Justin Bennett, Klaas Hübner, Lucie Vítková, Melissa Logan, Paulo Dantas, Wederik De Backer. […]
Sound & Participation – video documentation
The video’s of the lectures from the symposium Sound & Participation which took place in last February can be watched online now.  Participating artists were Bill Dietz, Tarek Atoui, James Saunders, Tim Parkinson, Carolyn Chen, David Helbich, Edyta Jarzab, Anna Raimondo, Jaume Ferrete, Brandon LaBelle, Care of Editions / Gerhard Schultz, Manuela Naveau, Frederik Le […]
Grounds for Possible Music
How do we get to imagine the music we make? Where and how is it grounded? What is the relationship between the art and its maker, and what and who does music represent? In this publication, four core notions gender, voice, language, and identity serve as a set of lenses permitting different perspectives on one […]
Sound and Participation – symposium and workshops
Two days of conference and three days of workshops will present and unpack the shapes and possibilities of participatory sound art and music practices today. Full Program as pdf Inherently relational phenomena, sound and music hold a privileged position in the debate on art and participation. International practitioners and theorists come together to carve out […]
Second Sundays #2
In 2018, Q-O2 will initiate a new monthly series of listening sessions. Each session a guest is invited to share an insight into their own listening, playing and speaking about a selection of sound and music that is important to their thinking or practice. The series takes place on the second Sunday of every month, […]
Second Sundays
In 2018, Q-O2 will initiate a new monthly series of listening sessions. Each session a guest is invited to share an insight into their own listening, playing and speaking about a selection of sound and music that is important to their thinking or practice. The series takes place on the second Sunday of every month, […]
Tales of Sonic Displacement
The SoCCoS project’s final catalogue  Tales of Sonic Displacement is available! Five European organisations collaboratively designed an exchange network in which artists, curators, researchers and non-professionals worked together on an equal basis. This publication demonstrates what a sound art residency can mean. It represents a wide range of activities of the project and takes the […]
The Second Sound
The Second Sound is an imaginary conversation between musicians and sound artists on the role of gender and sex within their field and for their artistry. It gathers testimonies from a variety of artists from different backgrounds into a single stream of (often contrary) opinions, addressing three main area’s: discrimination as paradigm and otherness, gendered […]
L_28 Urban Sound Design lectures online
The lectures and talks which were held during the four weeks of the Urban Sound Design Studio  (Caroline Claus) are now online on the Urban Sound Design blog, debating topics territories, spatial design, cartography and site/sound. Listen to: Caroline Claus Peter Cusack Nadia Casabella Marie Poupé (BIM) Flavien Gillié Burak Pak Petra Pferdmenges Robin Koek […]
coming soon: the other the self#3 on June 4th and 5th
Performances and reflections on the artistic treatment of voice and language in regard to gender and identity. full festival program How do language and voice shape gender and identity? What can be a definition of masculinity? When does language loose semantic meaning and what is expressed beyond? How does queer music sound? Is there a […]
On Urban Sounds Design – publication by Caroline Claus
Caroline Claus researched ways to deal with Urben Sound Design on the specific case of the city of Warsaw, during her residency at AIRlaboratory in the framework of the SoCCoS residency network. This publication is documentation and manual at once. You can read it as pdf pdf. or buy it at 3€.
ku o_twe e
Rie Nakajima & Guy De Bièvre & Johan Vandermaelen & Pierre Berthet : Walking the circumference of an irregular circle Just in time to celebrate the new year here comes the first release of our new label ku o_twe e. DOWNLOAD
In the meantime: SoCCoS residency network
SoCCoS is a residency and research exchange network which engages with exploratory music, sound art and culture. It provides residency opportunities via exchange of artists, cultural workers and theorists. The project focuses on language, differences in urban and rural environment, and work with local communities. We share this project with partner organisations Hai Art (FI), Binaural/Nodar(PT), DISK Berlin (DE), A-I-R Laboratory (PL) and […]
the other the self – save the date : October 8th to 11th
on gender, voice, language, identity full festival program with Pauline Oliveros, IONE, Lina Lapelyte, C. Spencer Yeh, Simon Vincent, Jaume Ferrete, Jane Dickson, AGF/Antye Greie, Richard Scott, Lucy Duncombe, Anneke Kampman, Anat Ben David, Angharad Davies, Nouria Bah, Heidi Heidelberg, Rebecca La Horrox, Sharon Gal.
postponed deadline + light version : survey on sound/music & gender/sex
Dear musicians and sound artists, thanks to all who have participated in our survey on gender and sex in the field of music and sound art. In response to repeated remarks we have postponed the deadline to August 1st, AND have elaborated a short version, suitable to parents and other hard-working artists. ! short version […]
sound / music & gender / sex
Dear musicians, sound artists, composers! We need your voice in a research on gender and sex in the artistic field of music and sound art. With this research we aim to explore the role which these notions play in the shaping and determining of artistic careers and art works, by asking questions about underlying dynamics, […]
Interpretations. the reader
In accompaniment to the festival of last December 2014, we put together a reader highlighting different positions towards the topic of interpretation. You can consult this reader as pdf., or buy it for 5€. Just mailus. With contributions by Christoph Cox, Camille Henrot, Roland Barthes, Giaco Schiesser, Dafne Vicente-Sandoval & Ivan Palacký, Andrea Neumann & […]
Interpretations. – winter school
more info about our winter school in December, with concerts, lectures and workshops, here: Interpretations. interpretations.workshops
Mensch Mensch Mensch – new release
New release by Mensch Mensch Mensch (Liz Albee & Burkhard Beins), recorded at Q-O2
happy 2014
Q-O2 has a new administrator, welcome to Christel Simons! The whole month of February we will have cellist Okkyung Lee in residency, and the oto-date by Akio Suzuki is still ongoing, to be downloaded here.
ongoing: oto-date by Akio Suzuki
Oto-date by Akio Suzuki which was created in the frame of Tuned City Brussels in June 2013 can still be visited, individually and any time. Please download the map and go ahead.  
Tuned City Brussels reviewed

Pierre Berthet – extended transducers and low tension small motors©Ikram El Maaboudi

Tuned City Brussels (full program here on line) took place last June 27th to 30th. It was a dense program of lectures, walks, performances, workshops and installations, exploring the city and its sound and acoustic. See photo’s here and here (by Sophie Degroote) and listen to the lectures here.
Tuned City Brussels full program
Tuned City Brussels: full program here on line > a festival archive with records in audio and image coming soon! Over the course of the four day festival, Tuned City Brussels probed the Brussels’ vibe and particular urban frequencies through concerts, walks, installations and interventions in situ while at the same time focusing the theoretical […]
Publication In the Field
Happy to present you the Sounds of Europe publication ‘In the Field’ by Cathy Lane and Angus Carlyle (CRiSAP), a collection of interviews with contemporary sound artists who use field recording in their work. These conversations explore the fundamental issues that underlie the development of field recording as the core of their practice.
Tuned City Brussels
In 2013 Q-O2 invites Tuned City to Brussels, a project researching the relation between sound, architecture and (public) space. Tuned City Brussels is starting with a series of lecture-events, artistic presentations, mini-residencies, university projects and workshops over the first half year. Those will be followed by an international four day festival from June 27th-30th mixing […]
Sounds of Europe – news!
The Sounds of Europe blog will travel to Romania this month, please visit! We are pleased to announce already as well a two day symposium exploring the art and craft of field recording, taking place in the British Library in London on February 15th and 16th, coordinated by our partner CRiSAP. PS: The Sonic Arts […]
Sounds of Europe – news!
The Sounds of Europe blog has arrived in Portugal in the meantime, Raquel Castro is the host, please visit! A new edition of the The City Rings project, realised this time by Aifoon (Ghent), Sons de Barcelona and Le Bon Accueil (Rennes), with Belgian, Spanish and French schools, is running at the moment: you can […]
Q-O2 materials
For the occasion of Open House we have made a publication in which we collected materials and reflections on our 6 years of workspace practice. If you want to receive this publication, you can mail us!
Open House! (17-19 May)
For the first time in Brussels 24 artistic laboratories and alternative management offices have joined together to show their practices and research in an Open House event. Open House will propose three morning debates. Every afternoon, from 2 to 6pm, you can discover the structures themselves. Q-O2 will make the workspace practices tangible and audible, drawing from […]
The City Rings!

© aifoon

A new edition of the The City Rings project, realised by Aifoon (Ghent) and Sons de Barcelona with belgian and spanish schools, has finished: you can listen to the sonic snaps and soundscapes of the pupils on their website. The blog of Sounds of Europe, a European project on field recording, is on his way […]
Sounds of Europe blogs

© Jonathan Coleclough

Sounds of Europe, a European project on field recording, continues in 2012: in the meantime the blog of the website arrived in Italy and will travel in March to France, please visit!
Week of Sound in Brussels
Happy 2012! Welcome to our first event of the year during La Semaine du Son: a concert evening with Anthea Caddy and Tomoko Sauvage on the 26th of January. Sounds of Europe continues in 2012: in the meantime the blog of the website arrived in London, please visit!
Sounds of Europe online
We are happy to announce that the Sounds of Europe website is now ready for use, so please visit and join the platform if you are involved with field recordings. Sounds of Europe is a European project which Q-O2 is guiding together with CRiSAP (London), Sons de Barcelona and IRZU (Ljubljana), and which acknowledges and […]
BXL, NYC and Europe
Still on this coming wednesday to sunday 14-18h is the exhibition ‘BXL-NYC Spatialized’: 6 artists from Brussels and New York are showing multichannel sound installations at the spaces of Q-O2, okno and iMAL in the Koolmijnenkaai 30-34. Furthermore we are happy to announce that the Sounds of Europe website is now ready for use, so […]
FIELD FEST revisited

© Fabonthemoon

FIELD FEST brought together a diverse sampling of the artistic use of field recordings, thus kicking off “Sounds of Europe”, a European project on phonography. Catch some sounds & images on the Sounds of Europe – blog! Many thanks to the students of RITS – Radio.
Sounds of Europe begins …

© Pauwel De Buck

The idea to start a project on field recording went through a longer period, in which we saw more and more artists not only working with field recordings, but also questioning and reflecting on them, f.e. to what extent can they be considered as such, what kind of spectrum of possibilities does working with it […]
Welcome to our new website!

© Johnny Chang

More sounds & images will follow soon!
Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels