We are cyborgs.
We want to connect despite a global virus and despite everything.
Come into our cyborgian tale.
With sound let’s invent a new hybrid language.
===> Live stream here starting on 25/2 at 18h30 until 26/2 midnight.
With works by Terje Abusdal, Léna Babinet, Chloé Delchini, Emma Delforge, Sophia Dieckschaefer, Xavier Duffaut, Perrine Estienne, Gabriel René Franjou, Silja Hubert, Margot Lassoie, Loubna Ouaqqa, Camille Poitevin, Pedro Riofrio, Apo Sanguinède, Léa Santantonios, Laetitia Troilo.
All works were composed in the frame of the module of Création Sonore et Musique Expérimentale initiated by Céline Gillain, led togeher with Caroline Profanter, Myriam Pruvot, Julia Eckhardt at the ENSAV La Cambre, in partnership with Q-O2 in Brussels.