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workspace for experimental music and sound art

The Second Sound is an imaginary conversation between musicians and sound artists on the role of gender and sex within their field and for their artistry. It gathers testimonies from a variety of artists from different backgrounds into a single stream of (often contrary) opinions, addressing three main area’s: discrimination as paradigm and otherness, gendered music and sound art, and the navigation of the field. The Second Sound is a project by Julia Eckhardt and Leen De Graeve and was released on the new publishing house umland, in a design by Maaike Beuten/garage64. Order this publication via (15 euro, incl. shipping EU).

Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels