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workspace for experimental music and sound art

This fifth edi­tion of our festival will undoubtedly stand the test of time: count­less grip­ping per­form­ances, work­shops, talks, hangouts, unsus­pec­ted gath­er­ings, … a dream edi­tion it has been. But what might linger on longest in our ever time-sens­it­ive thoughts might be the micro-com­munity we’ve been part of last week­end. A micro­cos­mos of artists, part­ners (spe­cial thanks to Pieter and Maarten and the rest of the Needcompany team, Gert and the HISK crew, Père Stefano, and Charlemagne Palestine for his gran­di­ose finale!), volun­teers, interns (Sara, Marius, Han <3) and the audi­ence that cre­ated the per­fect cir­cum­stances for our cel­eb­ra­tion of sound. Time was on our side.

Some images HERE, sounds will follow.

Oscillation ::: o tempo — website

This year, we reflected on the notion of time. Time fas­ci­nates because of its per­va­sive­ness: there is no way to think around it. As with any­thing so ubiq­ui­t­ous, an assump­tion of time as nat­ur­al and non-nego­tiable is quick­ly made, but con­cepts of time are con­struc­tions, and those con­struc­tions depend strong­ly on social and tech­no­log­i­cal real­i­ties. Sound and music offer a space where aspects of this oth­er­wise elusive mat­ter can be made tan­gi­ble, where we can exper­i­ment with its many facets and pos­si­ble approach­es.

The four days of Oscillation 2023 will pro­pose dif­fer­ent set­tings to explore these con­sid­er­a­tions. Day by day will zoom in on aspects such as dis­place­ment in time by mem­o­ry or antic­i­pa­tion; time-struc­tur­ing instru­ments like rhythm, ges­ture, pulse, rep­e­ti­tion or silence; dura­tional simul­tane­ity in which the audi­ence can nav­i­gate; and the sub­jec­tive tem­po­ral expe­ri­ence of impro­vi­sa­tion which strong­ly draws on relationality.


Limpe Fuchs & Valérie Vivancos, Juliet Fraser & Newton Armstrong perform Morton Feldman, Hans-Christian Dany, John McCowen, Felix Kubin, Marija Rasa, Jessica Ekomane, Ameel Brecht, Katharina Ernst, Olga Kokcharova, Clara Lévy, Nur/Se performs Éliane Radigue, Maria Komarova, Maia Urstad, ASUNA, Clara de Asís & Rebecca Lane, Younes Zarhoni, Mark Vernon, Jung An Tagen, Will Holder & Paul Abbott, Farida Amadou, Charlemagne Palestine.


Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels