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workspace for experimental music and sound art
04/01/2022 - 30/01/2022
27/01/2022 - 18h - free (doors 17h30)
Paula Montecinos Oliva
Paula Montecinos Oliva was born in Temuco (Chile) and is currently based in Amsterdam. She is a choreographer, sound artist and researcher, specialized in the affective and participatory aspects of sound and performing arts. Her artistic practice focuses on the mobilizing and emancipatory potential of voice, sound and movement, as tools of resistance, re-organization and collective transformation. Her work includes embedded technologies, electronic experimentation, creative writing and somatic practices, as tools to critically engage in the reimagining of bodies and challenges the hegemonic-monotonic thinking. She has directed and performed hybrid formats of dance and sound performances, radio concerts, participatory performances and workshops, within art institutions, independent venues and public spaces in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and UK.
Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels