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werkplaats experimentele muziek en klankkunst
New Music Incubator & Ruta Vitkauskaite & Martin Q Larsson
15/02/2016 - 19:00 - free

Onze verontschuldigingen, dit bericht is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.

New Music Incubator invites you to experience five music compositions as the result of a collaborative-collective creation. The event encompasses classical, experimental, pop and jazz music traditions, explores improvised, composed and semi-composed musical structures, and brings live interaction and a trans-disciplinary approach to the stage.
New Music Incubator (NMI) is an international exchange of professional new music practitioners – composers, performers, improvisers, electronic music artists and sound artists.
On NMI’s eighth edition, musicians from various European countries travelled to the remote eco-village on the river of Mrežnica in Croatia for a week of intense collaboration.
The team of NMI- Mrežnica is now coming to Brussels, at the Q-O2 Sound Art Gallery, to recreate the process of close collaboration and to present the exciting outcomes of their work together. An eclectic mix of cross-genre, traditional, trans-disciplinary and quasi musical compositions will be presented in the shape of a classical music concert.
NMI-Mrežnica team: composers Sabina Ulubeanu (RM),Santa Bušs (LV), composers/performers Mingo Rajandi (ES), Ilya Ziblat Shay (NL/IL), Ivan Božičević (CR), composer/performer/sound artist Albert Dambeck (DE), sound artist Luka Ivanović (SRB), composer/programmer Anders Monrad (DE), electronic music creators Lisa Stenberg (SE), David Granstrom (SE), soprano Elisenda Pujals (NL), clarinet player Germaine Sijstermans (NL), violinist Maria da Rocha (PR), basson player Šarūnas Kačionas (LT), songwriter Ania Hardy (UK) and folk musician Mats Eden (SE), artists/cooks Rasa Alksnyte (LT/BE) and Pieter de Wel (BE).

NMI facilitators are composers/musicians Martin Q Larsson and Ruta Vitkauskaite. NMI-Mrežnica is arranged by Uruppförandeklubben in partnership with ECSA, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme for the European Union, EMS Elektronmusikstudion and Musik i Syd, and generously supported by FoAM and Q-O2.


Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de VGC en de Europese Unie
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussel