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Q-02 logo
werkplaats experimentele muziek en klankkunst
21/06/2009 - 20:30

Manfred Werder is composer and performer, he lives in Zürich. His work actualizes time and space by letting appear the world’s natural abundance. Most of his actual works are text scores.After his residency he will perform and comment his compositions, and discuss his work with composer-collegue David Helbich.

Paul Gründorfer - 19/6/24
Hannah Todt - 2/4/24
Reuben Da Rocha - 24/4/24

Q-O2 wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de VGC en de Europese Unie
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussel