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werkplaats experimentele muziek en klankkunst
SoCCoS micro-residency
29/05/2016 - 05/06/2016

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This micro-residency is directed to students or young professionals with a practice in music and sound art. The topical complex on which we will work is voice, gender, language and identity.

A group of 10 participants will be guided through a program of workshops (Myriam Van Imschoot, Peter Westenberg, Marc Matter), presentations and visits at partner organisations in Brussels, but there will be also time to present and discuss each others work. On the last two days, 4th and 5th of June, there is the possibility to attend to a symposium which is organised at Q-O2 workspace within the project ‘the other the self’, presenting performances and lectures addressing the topic.

Workshop program (participation of externals possible on registration at

May 31st – Peter Westenberg: Backgrounds and practice of the language projects Parlez-vous Saint-Gillois and La Langue Schaerbeekoise.
Together we will look, listen and browse the collection of words and discuss aspects such as the subjectivity of the choices involved and the position of the artist-organisor as instigator and data collector. We will review the soundwalks, art interventions and online works that were developed by invited artists as part of the project, the methodology of making a neighborhood based, participatory audio project.
How are languages, politics, conviviality and identity connected in the context of multiverse cities such as Brussels ?
If the weather gods are with us, we will do this in the neighbourhoods that are portrayed by the projects.

June 2nd – Myriam Van Imschoot: Inside outside voice workshop
This workshop proposes exercises to explore the physicality and vibration of the sound of one’s own voice in relation to other voices. An ear-corridor will be built and transformed into a human installation involving two swinging microphones.

June 3rd – Marc Matter: Speech – Voice – Sound: Who is speaking? What is speaking? And how?
This workshop explores various types of speaking through different kinds of voices. We will listen to and discuss recordings from the fields of the arts, entertainment, technology and everyday life.  What impact do specific voices and manners of speaking have on a given text? How do these elements constitute identity and hierarchy? And can mere utterings of abstract voice-sounds ever be free of semantic value? In addition, we will practice some simple exercises concerning these questions.

June 3rd 18:00 to 22:00 presentation of the student’s work.

With the support of the Creative Europe program of the European Union.

In collaboration with:

Paul Gründorfer - 19/6/24
Hannah Todt - 2/4/24
Reuben Da Rocha - 24/4/24

Q-O2 wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de VGC en de Europese Unie
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussel