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werkplaats experimentele muziek en klankkunst
01/04/2017 - 30/04/2017
Edita Dermontaité
Edita Dermontaité is a visual artist and an art researcher born in Lithuania and since 2011 living and working in Gent, Belgium. In 2009 Edita defended her Master thesis “Monumental Arts in Public Soviet Interiors in Vilnius” and received her degree in Cultural Heritage and Conservation at Vilnius University in Lithuania. In 2015 she obtained her second Masters degree in Visual Arts at LUCA School of Arts in Gent, Belgium. Her installation “Brussels Airport, Security Check, 23/12/2014, 19:33 - 19:39” received a jury price and Edita became a laureate for her thesis ‏“Six W(a/o)nderings”.
Sebastian Dingens - WALKS
Pavel Tchikov 29/11/23
Nika Son - Scatter

Q-O2 wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de VGC en de Europese Unie
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussel