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werkplaats experimentele muziek en klankkunst
Q-O2 / umland editions is pleased to present 3 split releases of live recordings from our festival Oscillation ::: Public Address that took place in April and May this year. The recordings captured six of the many beautiful performances that made up our first return to a live public festival after two years of radio only. Relive the moment or hear what you missed over at the umland bandcamp page.
Issue 1: Enrico Malatesta & Attila Faravelli / Kate Carr
Issue 2: Aymeric de Tapol / BMB con.
Issue 3: Jasmine Guffond / Peter Kutin & Stan Maris
Recording by Ludo Engels, Margherita Brillada, Caroline Profanter.
Mastering by Christoph Albertijn.
Artwork by Henry Andersen.
Visit our Umland Editions/Q-O2 bandcamp page
Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 wordt gesteund door de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, de VGC en de Europese Unie
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussel