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Q-02 logo
workspace for experimental music and sound art
Sarah Hughes, Patrick Farmer & Kostis Kilymis
12/03/2011 - 26/03/2011

“We plan to spend our time at q-o2 entrenched within familiar practices consciously utilised to afford varying and unforeseen connections within elements of our practice that are not utilised directly in our methods of performance. Not wishing to create the same environment from a different environment we learn how to relate to the action of being surrounded by wholly allowing the physicality of our immediate environment to permeate our methods of performance and preparation.”

Paul Gründorfer - 19/6/24
Hannah Todt - 2/4/24
Reuben Da Rocha - 24/4/24

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels