Twenty years ago a program, entitled “martiensgohome!” as an homage to the novel of Fredric Brown, made its debut on air on Radio Campus. A few years later the show has evolved into a more complex project where the point is not to promote nor broadcast music but to create it on the spot and improvise, each week, one hour of sound art made of field-recordings, samples, archives and electronics. Martiensgohome! regularly leave their radio studio to perform live or make in-situ interventions. This anniversary will be the ideal pretext to realize a long dreamed project of an installation based on musical birthday cards, which will be exposed and then reinterpreted by martiensgohome and their guests.
Thursday 28/4 : 18:00 – 21:00 vernissage and presentation of installation
Friday 29/4 : 18:00 installation open / 20:30 concert by martiensgohome with guests Jean-François Brohée and Quentin Nicolai.