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workspace for experimental music and sound art
seminar / /
26/06/2008 - 14:00-18:00

ARTS-LAB.BE – SEMINARThe category Arts laboratories is a mix of very different initiatives. No two laboratories are alike but they all focus on the artist and the process of research and experiment. They are therefore an invisible part of the cultural landscape.The Arts Flemish Parliament Act 2006-2009 introduced the category ‘arts laboratory’ for the first time. Over the past four years, arts labs have been positioning themselves within the broader cultural sector, determining the added value they bring and defining the differences and resemblances among themselves.In October 2007 the portal site was launched. During numerous preparatory meetings a closer network was formed and the idea arose to organize an event that went beyond the mere presentation platform offered by a portal site. Just before a new round in the Arts Flemish Parliament Act, auto-evaluation can be a tool to reorient the sector. Therefore it may be useful to compare our situation with other countries. How do arts labs organize themselves elsewhere? Which position do they occupy within the cultural field? How do they unite their forces and expertise? What are differences and resemblances with the Flemish policies? Many questions that could be useful for the future of the arts laboratories in Belgium. PROGRAMME14h00 – 14h15 Welcome14h15 – 14h30 Introduction by Hilde TeuchiesHilde Teuchies is member of the Evaluation Commission ‘Kunstencentra en werkplaatsen’ of the Flemish Community, administrative manager of CREW_Eric Joris and assistant to Josse De Pauw.14h30 – 16h00 Three speakers:1. Bastien Gilbert, director of the RCAAQ (Québec, Canada)The Regroupement des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ) groups 60 independent art centres. RCAAQ supports, promotes and brings together their members without ignoring their diversity. RCAAQ plays an important role within the network of visual art associations in Québec and Canada.http://www.rcaaq.be2. Piet Menu, director of the Huis van Bourgondië (Maastricht, NL)The Huis van Bourgondië is a workspace for young artists that question and interpret social themes in an innovative and very different way.http://www.huisvanbourgondie.nl3. Nicky Childs, director of Artsadmin (Londen, UK)Artsadmin makes art happen – from the first seeds of an artist’s idea to its full and final realization. Artsadmin produces, supports and promotes arts projects locally, nationally and internationally, developing long-term relationships with artists, often working in partnership with other producers, promoters and festivals. – 16h30 Coffee break16h30 – 18h00 Round-table discussion, moderator: Hilde Teuchies18h00 ReceptionThe seminar and round table will be held in English. Simultaneous translation will be available.SUBSCRIPTIONFree admission, but subscription is required. Please subscribe before 15 June 2008 via mail, or phone/fax 02 513 66 28.The seminar is organized by Bains::Connective, Constant, De Pianofabriek, Margarita Production, Nadine, NICC, Q-O2 et WP Zimmer in collaboration with BAM, Brussels Kunstenoverleg and Vlaams Theater Instituut.Thanks to Beursschouwburg.

Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels