I will develop new work that addresses ideas around language attrition, translation and song. It takes as its starting point how a mother tongue—in this case, Arabic—is lost, and what happens as a result. It began with my own observations of my mother and other relatives’ changing relationship to Arabic, their own first language, as people living in a European country. Beginning with an interest in how the uncertainties that arise manifest themselves audibly, I draw on recent work that pays attention to the non-verbal sounds of the voice in snatches of halted speech. I will be working with recordings of different speakers translating phrases that arise from discussions about their changing relationship to Arabic, and language more broadly. I intend to score a chorus for these different voices, that draws out the idiosyncrasies of the individual attempt to speak, but also produces something else from the collective and repeated gestures of speech. In developing a work for many voices from a repeated gesture, I am also interested in how repetition evokes insistence, exertion, various and complex inflections of desire. But I am also curious about how an index of attrition or loss might in turn produce some new profusion—a song of the new understandings and relationships that are shaped in being between languages in this way. I am also curious about how different traditions of song might inform the shape this chorus of voices takes. The project emerged from a preoccupation with the materiality and corporeality of the voice, which has informed much of my recent work, that pays attention to the non-verbal sounds of the voice in snatches of halted speech. It is shaped by processes of translation and repetition, and the unsettling meetings of intimacy and distance that characterise those practices.