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workspace for experimental music and sound art
22/05/2014 - 20:30 5€
25/05/2014 - 16:00
08/05/2014 - 25/05/2014
Maria Balabas

Maria Balabas is a Romanian sound artist, musician and journalist. She studied musicology at the National University of Music in Bucharest and obtained her Master degree writing about the role music played in the social evolution of the Radio. She is the moderator of 2 broadcasting programs at the Public Cultural Radio – Crossover Morning  and  The Sonorous Generation – and she is member of the EBU Ars Acustica Group and of Propuls Association, that promotes contemporary music. She documented the local scene of artists working with field recordings for the european platform Sounds of Europe (2013). As a solo artist, she is interested in developing narrative sound pieces based on field recordings. She had a residence in the Sound Delta project (2007) and has been invited in the project Landscape Choreography, Cluj, 2013. In 2012 she created the graphic score in the project  Soundforrest  (Viviana Iacob & Dslx, MNAC Anexa, 2012). Maria developed sound installations for Explore Dance Festival (  Pasarea care-si musca auzul  - The Bird that Bites its Hearing, graphic and sound, 2012), the French Institute in Bucharest (La Madeleine Sonore, 2012) and Czech Centre (for the European Night of Literature, 2013). She also organizes the  Sounds That Walk  project. In 2013 she participated in Camp festival for visual music in Cluj-Napoca.

Together, Maria and Mihai are founding members of the artistic collective Avant'n'Gard, dedicated to improvised music. The group released four albums:  Landscape Painted in Tea  (bootleg album, 2010),  Tinfoil Sun (2012), Untempered Carols  (2012)  and Fuchsiada by Urmuz (Art, 2013) and was invited to participate in festivals such as the  International Week of New Music  (Bucharest, 2010-2012),  Jazz And More  (Sibiu, 2011),  Bookfest  (2012),  Astra Film Festival  (2012),  FanFest  (2012),  Street Delivery  (2010-2011), Dilema Veche (2013) etc.


Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels