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workspace for experimental music and sound art
30/01/2020 - 20h - free
29/03/2021 - 05/04/2021
Ine Claes
Ine Claes is a transdisciplinary artist working with voice, sound, movement and visual arts. She creates sound projects, sound compositions and performances. In her performances she seeks the arising of disorientation of performer, and by consequence the audience, by the method of multitasking, bringing different layers together. Her aim is to create psychedelic or absurd worlds where the viewer/listener does not necessarily fully understand where he or she is. By means of this technique, Ine wants to counteract the human need to understand everything and label everything we encounter. In 2019 she received a grant from the Flemish Community to support her research on disorientation, where she specifically looks into the common ground between her work and Japanese theatre. Ine collaborates with a variety of artists. She also likes drawing.  BACKGROUND After graduating from the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in 2008 Ine's interest in movement and visual arts brought her to collaborations in the fields of interventions in public space, shortmovie and performative installations with different visual artists as Liesbeth Marit, Tomas Israël & Jacques Urbanska, Koen Moerenhout and Sara Claes. Her interest in the world of the voice grew over the years and she became a voice autodidact. In 2012 she created the first work where she brought together  voice, movement and public space, the duet Riptide with Aloun Marchal, created for Nuit Blanche Brussels 2012. As a dancer and vocalist she has worked with Jerzy Bielski, Marion Levy, Sabine Molenaar, Cie Le Cardage, Aloun Marchal and others. In 2018 she was assistant of mise en scène at the Opera de Lille for the opera La Légende du Roi Dragon from Arthur Lavandier.    In 2013 she founded, together with Johanne Saunier, the music and dance project Ballets Confidentiels where the duo brought together voice, music and sound visualisation. The company created pieces specifically for non-theatre spaces. With the company Ine has created and performed a large repertoire and has worked with different composers, writers and musicians as Georges Aperghis, Joâo Lobo, Martin Crimp, Quatuor Tana, Toma Gouband. The project performed in many places as Handelsbeurs, Bozar, Paris Quartier d'été, Maison de La Danse Lyon, Odegand,... After 5 years Ine left Ballets Confidentiels to focus on her personal research and create works where she develops the vocals/sound herself.  WORK AND DEVELOPMENT In 2017 she created the solo voice/movement I choke, You choke, let's All choke together, on invitation by the music festival  Ecouter pour l'Instant in France. This work was created with the support of the Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie and was in residency at Nadine Brussels. It is her first work for which she created the sound/vocal composition herself. This solo laid the foundation for her research on multitasking and disorientation and the direction of her current parcours.    In 2019 she creates the sound project DIVE, with Mathieu Calleja and Juan Parra Cancino, a project with voice, percussion and electronics for musea and concert spaces.    Also in '19 she creates a new project with Maja Jantar, Dialogues with a view - Soup for Breakfast, a project with videoprojection and live voice.    In 2020 she creates asfaraswecantell, a performance for 2 singers and 2 dancers bringing vocals, movement and spacialization into a transdisciplinary dialogue. Asfaraswecantell is her first work where she is not on stage herself. It is a co-production by C-TAKT, Muziekcentrum De Bijloke and kamikamka, with the support of workspacebrussels, WALPURGIS/deFENIKS, Halolalune Production and L.A.R.D.    In 2020 she has been invited by visual artist Line Boogaerts, for an artistic collaboration for Line's project Interval Wiper Switch, where she is next to performing also creating the soundscape of this performative installation. In residency at workspacebrussels and premieres at the Whitehouse Gallery in July '20.  In '20-'21 Ine will hold a development phase for musical development, she will focus on instant-vocal composition, the theremin and field recordings. During this development she will start a new collaboration with Brazilian avant-garde composer Otacílio Melgaço. She will be holding  a vocal research on evolving loop-systems and instant composition and invites different artists to experiment with as Justine Maxelon and Benjamin Vandewalle. This development is supported by workspacebrussels, nadine, Netwerk Aalst, Cas-co/30CC en Akropoditi Dance Center.  In March '21 she starts the first cycle of rehearsals for her new creation, FIELDS OF (CON)FUSION, a duet with Benjamin Vandewalle, where she will further explore vocal acoustic loop systems in relation to movement. The project is coached by choreographer Jan Martens, in residency in Kunstencentrum BUDA, C-TAKT and CC Berchem and will première in CC Berchem on 5 June '21.  Ine's work is produced by kamikamka.
Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels