>>>> The ephemeral choir machine aka the Sampler Sampler
In pre-recording times, we kept traces of music and melodies in our head. They faded out, they morphed, blended, they got replaced. Contemporary music samplers are highly formatted in their interface, shape and output. This installation tries to weave these elements together and give them a particular spin.
The ephemeral choir machine aka the sampler sampler enables you to leave sound for the next person that comes into contact with it. You can decide to add your sample, thus fading out a previously recorded sound.
Come test out this Beta version.
You will also be able to listen on another work-in-progress « Othering – Tissu (fr) Tissue (en) Weefsel (nl) », an interview based work in French on our complex outer human layer, implicit bias and perception.
By appointment only via julia@q-o2.be
Please take a pen and a mask