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laboratoire de musique expérimentale et d’art sonore
sound walk
Tracks public audiowalks Brussels
28/08/2021 - 29/08/2021

Guided audiowalks in Brussels, by  Lukas Anthierens, Justin Bennett, Jonathan Frigeri & Eric Desjeux, Yannick Guédon, Confluences (Giulia Vismara & Franziska Windisch), Anna Raimondo

Different points of departure – see programme below. In English, unless indicated otherwise. For free


On Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 August, various guided audiowalks will take place in Brussels. Jubilee, Beursschouwburg, BNA-BBOT, Overtoon, Q-O2, and Soundtrackcity are happy to invite you to these sample walks, a foretaste of Tracks. This smartphone app for audiowalks is now in testing phase and will presented to the public soon.

Please bring your own smartphone. It’s advised to first install the app ‘Echoes interactive sound walks’, with which the audiowalks will be taking place for this first public moment of Tracks. In order to save bandwidth, you can already download the audiowalks you participate in while on a wifi network.


Schedule 28/8
12:00 – 12:50 Lukas Anthierens
14:00 – 15:00 Jonathan Frigeri
16:00 – 17:45 Justin Bennett


Schedule 29/8
13:00 – 13:50 Yannick Guédon
15:00 – 16:45 Franziska Windisch
17:00 – ….      Round-up get-together (location to be confirmed)


Lukas Anthierens – Bruxelles Dorado (BNA BBOT)

The birth of Brussels is due to an eel fisherman and his brilliant discovery. In no time at all, a swamp grew into a metropolis. Bruxelles Dorado guides you through the golden age of the city, a piece of history that is often forgotten. Yet the remnants of that past never seem far away.

This audio walk starts on the Hooikaai, at the back of the KVS. Creator Lukas Anthierens picks you up, leads you through Sint-Jans-Molenbeek and drops you off at the canal. Bruxelles Dorado was created in the framework of Sonorama, a project of BNA-BBOT with the support of the Flemish Community & the City of Brussels. Thanks to RITCS School of Arts.

Language: Dutch
Starting point: Hooikaai behind KVS, Brussels
± 40 minutes

Justin Bennett – Multiplicity: a spectral analysis of Brussels (Jubilee)

Although spectral analysis suggests a scientific approach, Multiplicity is a multiplexed wild ghost chase through the urban fabric of the capital of Europe. A mashup of field recordings, sonic experiments, observations, theoretical and utopian texts, and conflicting multi-lingual instructions guide us through territories defined by language, politics, urbanism and sound.

This project began during a residency at Overtoon in Brussels in 2017. Justin Bennett decided to focus on the idea of acoustic territories. Right from the start the idea was to produce an audio walk, but the complexity of the city proved very distracting. He spent time going for long walks, listening through DIY acoustic filters, analysing siren sounds and making a sculpture from broken brass instruments. Q-O2 encouraged the artist and hosted his research in 2018 and 2019. Justin is a founding member of Jubilee and co-initiator of Tracks.

Multiplicity is a co-production by Q-O2, Overtoon, Jubilee and Soundtrackcity.

Starting point: Metro Schuman, next to Berlaymont Building, Brussels.
± 90 minutes

Jonathan Frigeri & Eric Desjeux – Belvedere Sonore (Q-O2)

Belvédère Sonore is an imaginary structure built to take full advantage of the wind blowing through the pines or as a gazebo erected to enjoy the murmur of a fountain. During their residency at Q-O2, Jonathan Frigeri and Eric Desjeux have created music for three sculptures located in the city of Brussels, around the Place Sainte-Catherine. The presentation consists of a collective walk to experience the music in-situ.

In the old Notions on music attributed to Confucius we can read:“The emergence of any musical tune originates from the heart of man and the shaking of man’s heart is a effect produced by external realities.”

The presence of music allows us to have a different perspective on the reality of things.
Music and landscape are both oriented towards sensitivity, that is, the senses and affectivity of those who pay attention. When a music or a landscape “speaks” to us, it is not really a language which carries a precise meaning, but rather a meaning immanent to the perception. Musicality is therefore not exclusive to music, but is also found in the poetic and landscape experience, both linked to the same resonance.

It is for this reason that we offer a sound walk because it lies at the border between poetic, ecological and spiritual act. The walk is a practice, an act that strongly connects us to the world. Starting to walk is not only a privileged and immediate relationship with our environment, but also a strong civic act, a way of finding, living and sharing a public space.

Authors: Jonathan Frigeri & Erik Desjeux

Starting point: Anspach Obelisk Fontaine / Obelisk Anspach Fontijn, Quai aux Briques / Baksteenkaai 90, 1000 Bruxelles / Brussel. 
± 60 minutes

Yannick Guédon – Un champ au milieu (Overtoon)

How do two landscapes cohabit?
A vocal landscape heard on headphones, and the one around us, heard through headphones.

How does one feed the listening process of the other and vice versa?
The vocal score will develop according to a progression of timbres, minimal and slow. It will colour the different sonic landscapes it encounters and, in return, will become impregnated with them in order to play on them as if in shadow. In this respect, we will define a sound palette that will play with the different sound markers along the walk, like bio-indicator plants, offering multiple data on the soil that welcomes them.

We will also explore the ways in which the voice can extract itself from the different sound environments to better intercept them.
In relation to the system proposed by ‘echoes’, the aim will be to understand the type of continuity that the voice can establish. Similarly, what type of silence will allow us to listen to the places we pass through?

There will necessarily be a question of threshold. How can a muffled sound interact with a high-volume sound environment?

We will also try to track down the existence of pre-existing sound traces, such as pre-echoes or anticipated echoes. An attempt to put us on the lookout, on the prowl, while preserving periods that are more conducive to rambling. Throughout this stroll, the listener will navigate alternately from a concentrated listening to a peripheral listening.

Starting point: Park next to Hallepoort/Porte de Hal, St Gilles
± 40 minutes

Franziska Windisch & Giulia Vismara – Soundwalk Kuregem (Q-O2)

Created by the duo Confluences (Giulia Vismara and Franziska Windisch ), Soundwalk Kuregem is an invitation to listen closely to one’s surroundings and discover how it actually sounds to live together in this neighborhood, being part of a more than human world. Equipped with their own smartphones and headphones people can follow a path through Kuregem with 16 stations. Accompanied by a voice they are encouraged to (re)discover and engage in the places with their senses.

Realisation, recording & editing: Giulia Vismara & Franziska Windisch
Speakers: Rebecca Lenaerts (NL), Juliette Soudan (FR)

Languages: Dutch (« Soundwalk Kuregem ») or French (« Soundwalk Cureghem »).

Starting point: Raadsplein / Place de Conseil, Anderlecht
3,7 km, ± 80 minutes
Tracks is supported by the Brussels Capital Region and
This event is kindly supported by the Culturele Activiteitenpremie of the Vlaamse Overheid

Paul Gründorfer - 19/6/24
Hannah Todt - 2/4/24
Reuben Da Rocha - 24/4/24

Q-O2 reçoit le soutien de la Communauté Flamande, VGC et l'Union Européenne
Quai des charbonnages 30-34
B-1080 Bruxelles