OKNO is very happy to invite you to the end of their 2-year long artistic program Time Inventors’ Kabinet. TIK is an international project in which 4 main organizations, many small ones and more than 40 media artists worked together around time and ecology. The festival brings a collection of works and ideas that have been explored in a long-term and very collaborative project.
During the weekend of 11-13 May 2012, the whole building at Koolmijnenkaai will be open for public events, exhibitions, talks and conferences, performances + many workshops, city walks and other activities where everyone can participate. On top of that, there are daily evening shows where the artists perform new work related to the Time Inventors’ Kabinet ideas.
Full program here.
Time Inventors’ Kabinet is a project by OKNO Brussels, ESC Graz, Col-me Bratislava an Yo-Yo Prague.
With the collaboration of many associated partners and affiliated artists.
And with the kind support of the European Commission, the Flemish authorities and the VGC (Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie).