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laboratoire de musique expérimentale et d’art sonore
Sébastien Roux, Deborah Walker, Yannick Guédon, Cyprien Busolini + Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta
10/12/2021 - 20h - 6 Eur

This is a Covid Safe Ticket Event, so please bring proof that you are vaccinated, recovered or tested, and be in time. Capacity is limited. No reservation necessary.


Les Disparitions

How does a sound disappear? Does it give way to silence? What does it replace? When we become aware of its disappearance, how long has it already disappeared? Is it a sound illusion: perhaps the sound never existed?
These questions are the raw material that the composer Sébastien Roux and the three musicians of the ensemble Thymes have explored. From this material, Les disparitions emerged, a listening and perception experience for the listeners, placed around the musicians and in the middle of the speakers.


Sébastien ROUX, composition and electronics – Ensemble Thymes : Cyprien BUSOLINI, viola – Yannick GUÉDON, voice – Déborah WALKER, cello


Melismas II
This piece is related to a series of sound walks and artist residencies to experience how the sound of the Azan – the Muslim call to prayer – is intensely affected by the rural landscape of Demre (Turkey). For this live session, Sajjra Xhrs Galarreta will play different raw field recordings of this acoustic phenomenon made before dawn. The call to prayer becomes a call to situate ourselves in the present. In the act of listening (walking or lying down), our body becomes a prayer itself in resonance with the exterior-interior. « I have stolen the acoustics of a religious gesture to return it to the chaos of the pagan landscape » (Sajjra).
Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 reçoit le soutien de la Communauté Flamande, VGC et l'Union Européenne
Quai des charbonnages 30-34
B-1080 Bruxelles