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laboratoire de musique expérimentale et d’art sonore
Oscillation ::: Tuned Circuits – workshops
23/04/2021 - 28/04/2021

In the week proceeding the festival, Tuned Circuits hosts a number of workshops with invited guests, offering practical skill sharing related to the thematics of the festival.


Fri 23/4 14h-18h ::: Stellan Veloce – Tuning Harmonicas

This work­shop starts from the dia­ton­ic har­mon­i­ca and dives into tun­ing and col­lec­tive impro­vi­sa­tion, with inspi­ra­tion from the Sonic Meditation prac­tice of Pauline Oliveros.


Sat 24/4 14h-18h ::: Farida Amadou – Improvisation

A work­shop based on col­lec­tive free impro­vi­sa­tion, explor­ing the vocab­u­lar­ies that each per­former brings with them. These vocab­u­lar­ies will form the basis of a set of exer­cis­es for impro­vis­ing togeth­er, explor­ing our inher­ent musi­cal capacities.


Sun 25/4 14h-18h ::: Myriam van Imschoot & Andreas Halling – Chorus/Insecting

Sound artist Myriam Van Imschoot and vocal­ist Andreas Halling pro­pose a work­shop inspired by the chirp of crick­ets, the spray of cicadas, and the song of grasshop­pers amongst oth­er mate­ri­als honed from the vibrant sound-world of insects.


Mon 26/4 19h-22h (online) ::: Liew Niyomkarn – Gentle Spring Roll

Gentle Spring Roll is an active lis­ten­ing work­shop in the form of a cook­ing broad­cast, with gen­tle steps for prepar­ing and adding ingre­di­ents to make sum­mer rolls.


Tue 27/4 14h-18h ::: Aela Royer – Vocal Lab

In this work­shop, we will work the voice through the image of a syn­the­siz­er pro­gres­sive­ly shap­ing a sim­ple tone into a com­plex abstract sound.


Tue 27/4 19h-22h (online) ::: Olivia Jack – Live coding visuals with Hydra

Introduction to live cod­ing using the web-based video syn­the­siz­er Hydra. The work­shop will be an intro­duc­tion to cre­ative cod­ing and cre­at­ing live visu­als using this flex­i­ble system.


Wed 28/4 14h-18h ::: Sarah van Lamsweerde & Esther Mugambi & Raoul Carrer – Agripuncture / Sore Spot Singing

In this work­shop on the rooftop gar­den of Q‑O2 Esther Mugambi, Raoul Carrer and Sarah van Lamsweerde wel­come you to a time­ly end­ing of win­ter hiber­na­tion, lock­down and ill­ness.


Wed 28/4 19h-22h (online) ::: Celeste Betancur – Platforms and practices for sound live coding ensembles

Platforms and prac­tices for sound live cod­ing ensembles. The work­shop will cov­er strate­gies for online jam­ming and ensem­bles and will be an intro­duc­tion to Tidalcycles start­ing with CQenze (an eso­teric mini lan­guage on top of Tidal).


15€ each

To inscribe, write to:

for more infos visit our Festival Website —> here

Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 reçoit le soutien de la Communauté Flamande, VGC et l'Union Européenne
Quai des charbonnages 30-34
B-1080 Bruxelles