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laboratoire de musique expérimentale et d’art sonore
post-residency concert
Dejana Sekulic & Gilles Doneux
03/10/2019 - 18h - free

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en Anglais.

Dejana+Gilles explore the idea and illusion of freezing one singular moment of sound and making the smallest particle of a sounding event perceivable for all its depth. Exploring the moving and still time in which this grain exists, testing possibilities, characteristics and roles of acoustic and electronic instruments and playing with actions, interactions and hierarchies, they compose and decompose and reconstruct larger soundscapes through experimental composition and performance practice for violin and electronics.


This post-residency presentation will feature their work “What Hides the Grain of Sound”.


“In dense portions of the Milky Way, stellar images appear to overlap, giving the effect of a near-continuous sheet of light . . . The effect is a grand illusion. In reality . . . the nighttime sky is remarkably empty. Of the volume of space only 1 part in 1021 [one part in a quintillion] is filled with stars.” (Kaler)


“The sensation of tone happens when human perception reaches attentional
limits where microevents occur too quickly in succession to be heard as discrete events.”(Roads)



Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 reçoit le soutien de la Communauté Flamande, VGC et l'Union Européenne
Quai des charbonnages 30-34
B-1080 Bruxelles