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workspace for experimental music and sound art
workshop Sonic Bikes – Kaffe Matthews & Tom Keene
21/02/2015 - 26/02/2015

Development of concept and practical realisation for interactive Sonic Bike games in Brussels. Open to anyone. Technical skills not required. Permanent presence and inscriprion preferred but not imperative.

1st part: Sat 21st and Sunday 22nd: 10 – 4pm
• The BRI will present its past and present projects, including the current technique used on sonic bikes.
• Open a discussion on the restrictions this kind of approach has created.
• How can we enable bikes to be sonically interactive?  How might the bikes operate as a swarm of sound? What games could emerge using the technologies we introduce? How might live and recorded sounds comment on the lives of a migrant population?
• Together and in small groups we will develop ideas for games on paper with these ideas.
• We will then look at how these ideas could be achieved technically.

2nd part: Monday 23rd Feb to Thursday evening 26th Feb
• Explore, experiment and devise sonic interactions locally and practically with sonic bikes.
Aim: to develop a sonic bike to be an instrument that responds to movement around the city, other bikes and the actions of the rider.
• Working with GPS signals, omnipresent WiFi and sensors that respond to the immediate physical actions of the rider.
• Explorations with as many of the workshop participants who might want to work with them at any moment.

Geproduceerd door De Munt en Q-O2

In collaboration with Bicrophonic Research Institute, Cyclo, FoAM, Globearoma, Rits/School of Arts, Huis van Culturen en Sociale Samenhang van Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Vaartkapoen, VisitBrussels, Overtoon.
Supported by the Vlaamse Gemeenschap, the Creative Europe program of the European Union en de Stad Brussel.

Voor meer informatie about Sonic Bikes: @bicrophonics

In collaboration with:

Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels