Development of concept and practical realisation for interactive Sonic Bike games in Brussels. Open to anyone. Technical skills not required. Permanent presence and inscriprion preferred but not imperative.
1st part: Sat 21st and Sunday 22nd: 10 – 4pm
• The BRI will present its past and present projects, including the current technique used on sonic bikes.
• Open a discussion on the restrictions this kind of approach has created.
• How can we enable bikes to be sonically interactive? How might the bikes operate as a swarm of sound? What games could emerge using the technologies we introduce? How might live and recorded sounds comment on the lives of a migrant population?
• Together and in small groups we will develop ideas for games on paper with these ideas.
• We will then look at how these ideas could be achieved technically.
2nd part: Monday 23rd Feb to Thursday evening 26th Feb
• Explore, experiment and devise sonic interactions locally and practically with sonic bikes.
Aim: to develop a sonic bike to be an instrument that responds to movement around the city, other bikes and the actions of the rider.
• Working with GPS signals, omnipresent WiFi and sensors that respond to the immediate physical actions of the rider.
• Explorations with as many of the workshop participants who might want to work with them at any moment.
Geproduceerd door De Munt en Q-O2
In collaboration with Bicrophonic Research Institute, Cyclo, FoAM, Globearoma, Rits/School of Arts, Huis van Culturen en Sociale Samenhang van Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Vaartkapoen, VisitBrussels, Overtoon.
Supported by the Vlaamse Gemeenschap, the Creative Europe program of the European Union en de Stad Brussel.
Voor meer informatie about Sonic Bikes: @bicrophonics