Stellan Veloce ( is a Sardinian composer, performer and cellist living and working in Berlin. They compose pieces for acoustic instrumental ensembles as well as working on installations or performance pieces focusing on timbre, repetition and sound densities.
During three workshop sessions and one performance (Rainy Days Festival in Luxemburg, curated by Ictus), Stellan Veloce will work with a small group of performers with interest in tuning, and join their research on timbre, tuning and collaborative practice with the aid of harmonica’s. The workshop is open for artists with musical interest for fine timbre variations which can be experienced in harmonics and combination tones, and which will be produced by changing the shape of the cavity of the mouth when playing the harmonica.
The result of this experiment will be shown in a performance curated by Ictus during the Rainy Days Festival in Luxemburg on November 14th. Performers applying for this workshop and concert will receive a modest financial compensation for the performance in Luxemburg (per diem, kvr + roundtrip train ticket Brussels – Luxemburg – Brussels).
If interested send a your cv and short motivation to before October 23th.
Saturday Nov 7 : 10h00-13h00
Wednesday Nov 11 : 10h00-13h00
Friday Nov 13 : 14h00-18h00
Saturday Nov 14 : Travel Brussels-Luxemburg 8:32 – 11:50, performance at 15h30, travel back at 18h10 or 19h10)