Second Sundays is a monthly series of curated listening sessions organised by Q-O2 work space. Each month, on the second Sunday, an artist or researcher is invited to present a series of listenings based on their practice or current research. The atmosphere is informal, and each listening session is accompanied by a specifically selected cocktail.
For its 8th iteration, Second Sundays invites Brussels based artists Anna Raimondo.
Wet Sounds:
Sea as water, sea as a submarine world, sea as a metaphor. Sea as an utopia, sea as a dystopia. Sea as a feminine potential world. My sea, your sea. Putting in dialogue personal works with other artistic ones, Raimondo proposes an immersion in a sonic liquid flux where listeners are invited to emerge and get wet. Surfaces, abysses, waves from here, waves from elsewhere, mermaids.
doors 16:30
listening session 17:00-18:00
cocktail of the month: Fog Horn