PAM p.m. in het kader van Misoogst
where: Cas-co, Vaartstraat 94, 3000 Leuven
date: 16 september
hour: 15-17u
An organisation of Werktank and Cas-co
PAM (Platform for Audiovisual and Media Arts) organises meetings to discuss common issues and to share knowledge and tools about the development, production, distribution, presentation, and reflection of audiovisual and media arts.
This PAM meeting PAM p.m. is organized on the 16th of September 2022 at 3pm in the context of Misoogst, an interactive meeting in Cas-co in Leuven of initiatives and artists who work on green structures, ecology and (urban) agriculture. Werktank invited Katinka de Jonge, Julia Eckhardt, Christoph De Boeck, Aernoudt Jacobs and Cirkel Mediakunst Leuven to present their practices and provide insigh. You can join them in a round table about a specific theme.
More info on the 4 round tables:
please subscribe
More info about Misoogst in Cas-co Leuven
PAM is an inclusive platform and community: if you like to be part of PAM and be kept up-to-date about our (online) meetings and activities, please send an email to