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workspace for experimental music and sound art
Oscillation – Mayday Radio Marathon :: online workshops with Julia E Dyck and Jasmin Guffond
29/04/2020 - 30/04/2020

29/4 14h: Julia E Dyck: Bedroom Transmission workshop

Julia E Dyck hosts a virtual encounter where participants will set up their own DIY internet radio stream. Following the technical procedure, the group will engage in relational experiments using different methods of transmission and discuss the subversive and transformative potential of radio.

90 mins – 10 participants – English spoken

Required Equipment: headphones, computer, (audio interface optional)

Required Software: BUTT; Soundflower


30/4 14h: Jasmine Guffond :: Creative strategies for Interrupting the Interface
This workshop looks at the contemporary practice of making art at the intersection of the browser and the World Wide Web. As the graphical interface to the web, the browser marks the point of access to information for the user. How the information that appears on our screens is curated, which data relations are made accessible, are brought into question by artist-made browser add-ons which interrupt the interface. We will examine, discuss, and / or try out a selection of these browser add-ons by artist and technologists – Allison Burtch’s Internet Illuminator, Virgil Griffith’s Wiki Scanner, Adriana Knouf’s MAICGregator, Michael Mandiberg’s Real Costs, Ian Hobbs, Blackout Angela’s Noiszy and Jasmine Guffond’s Listening Back (2019). By creatively co-opting the technical protocol of the web, these artistic strategies critically engage with data processes that would otherwise be obscured. Participants will further engage with the Noiszy and Listening Back add-ons in conjunction to create real-time compositions from the sonification of cookie data and the obfuscation of our data trails.

90 Minutes – 10 participants – English spoken


Registration requested at / fee: pay what you can between 10€ and 20€.

Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels