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workspace for experimental music and sound art
06/12/2020 - 19/12/2020
Sylvain van iniitu
born in 1976 in Ath. In the mid 90's his main interest was focused on collage, using various processes to corrode and disintegrate fragments of paper, already verging towards the limits of perception and meaning. In the next decade, shifting his focus to music, he started recording and experimenting with sound fragments, field recordings and crude, mostly second-hand or broken instruments, as well as free softwares. From 2008 on, he ran the music label ini.itu, also designing the sleeves of most vinyls. In the winter of 2013 he launched the E42.A8 sessions, based on improvisation in a remote area in the countryside. About the same period, starting to develop his own MIDI sequencer, and out of the need of visualising transformations brought by algorithms, he was paradoxically led again to the visual arts, augmented by the know-how of now being able to develop his own homemade graphic softwares. His main interests now lie in the themes both visual and auditory of processual transformations, (un)readability, interactions between form and meaning, alterations of alphabets, textes and scores ( so, this is including braille and MIDI files ! ). vol3. on Tanuki Records as 4LLP4 CH1N0 on New York Haunted code428 = vol12. on co-dependent vol5. on Cavern Brew Records FOOL on Cavern Brew Records
Weronika Trojanska
Emile Van Helleputte
Felix Kubin - Visit to the blind spot

Q-O2 is supported by the Flemish Community, VGC and the European Union
Koolmijnenkaai 30-34
B-1080 Brussels