Bill Dietz
Bill Dietz, born in 1983 in Arizona, has lived and worked in Berlin since 2003. From sounding the
facade of Le Corbusier’s Unités d’habitation in Marseille to orchestrating echoes across city
blocks in Manhattan, his work examines the genealogy of the concert and the performance of
listening. Since 2007 he is the artistic director of the Berlin-based Ensemble Zwischentöne, and
since 2012, the co-chair of Music/Sound in Bard College's MFA program. In 2013 he co-founded
Ear Wave Event with Woody Sullender. He has worked extensively with Peter Ablinger,
Catherine Christer Hennix, Chris Newman, Christian von Borries, and through 2009 with
Maryanne Amacher. In 2015, Editions Solitude released a monograph on his "Tutorial Diverions."
In 2017, & the Donaueschinger Musiktage released, L’école de la claque, a
collection of scores and essays on those scores by Chris Mann, MYSTI, and Rachel O'Reilly.